1st Choice Flooring Solutions Ltd

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Stair Nosing

Stair nosing helps to minimise the likelihood of slips and falls so will improve user safety.

With more than 30 years of experience in installing flooring in commercial spaces, we possess the necessary skills and expertise to offer guidance and advice to help your business meet its regulatory obligations.

Stair nosings play a crucial role in minimizsing the likelihood of slips and falls on staircases, thus ensuring safety.

It is essential to use them on frequently used indoor and outdoor steps, particularly in public areas such as hospitals, schools, and recreational facilities.

As a business owner, it is important to be aware of the specific laws surrounding stair nosings.

To comply fully with stair nosing regulations, there are several factors you must consider, including the correct dimensions, the tread material used and the colour of the stair nosings. 

If you are not sure exactly what you need, we can offer a free, no-obligation survey where we can measure up and give you some options to help you choose the right stair nosing for the application.

Our Stair Nosing Partners

We partner with leading stair nosing brands who are as committed to delivering quality products at competitive prices as we are.

Cat Flooring

Specialists in stair nosings, flooring trims and stair rods.  CAT manufactures a comprehensive range of stair nosings, stair egings and non-slip stair nosing for theatres, restaurants, offers and redsidential homes.


Gradus provide the most extensive range of stair nosing and trims in the UK.  Gradus stair nosings can help to reduce accidents on stairs as well as helping to provide an ‘inclusive’ environment giving access to all building users.

Quantum Flooring​

Quantumn offers a large range of aluminium and uPVC stair nosings. Contrasting colours are used to protect the edges and floor coverings on a stair, reducing the amount of potential wear and tear.

Stairrods Flooring

We take pride in offering stair rods crafted by Stairrods, which serve as both decorative elements and design enhancements for stairs and steps that are adorned with either carpet or flooring.

Take a look at some of our commercial flooring projects